Monday, November 18, 2013

November 18, 2013 Chesney's Guessing Game

At the last city council meeting, there was discussion, sort of, about a person or persons (never named) who were interested in taking over the airport hangar lease between the City and Kalitta Air.

It seems City leaders approved a contract with Kalitta years ago without reading it or asking questions of the City attorney.

Evidently, council decided they had to pass the contract to find out what was in it!

Fast forward to today. Kalitta decided to pack up and move on and sent the City a huge bill for getting out of/buying out the contract.

Presumably, tough negotiations followed and the City decided several weeks ago to settle the matter and buy the hangar from Kalitta for $975,000.

At the last council meeting before a vote was to be taken on approval to take the $975,000 out of fund balance to pay Kalitta, it was revealed that a third party was interested in taking over the lease. The vote was postponed to see if a new lease can be worked out.

That's all well and good. 

But no one at the City would mention the name of the persons with whom the Airport Commission was negotiating. Never mind that this was a city contract and public business. The public will be told what's going on----sometime-----usually right before or after it's a done deal.

On Councilman Gary Chesney's City Hall Facebook page someone asked about the secrecy. Gary said "some" people already know and then he decided to turn it into a guessing game with a clue for his reader: " is a local person who has an office near the airport and has a vested interest in air travel."

Well, let me throw out another clue: LM

Soon, very soon, we'll know.

And maybe Gary will give another clue about this and other public business.

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